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Media release: KCL Law’s Morgan Scholz successfully nominated for Property Council of Australia’s Planning and Infill Committee (Victoria Division)

Jun 15, 2021

KCL Law congratulates Morgan Scholz, Head of Property, on his successful nomination for the Property Council of Australia’s Planning and Infill Committee (Victoria Division) for a further two-year term, commencing 2021.

The Planning and Infill Committee advocates and informs policy across all areas of Victoria’s planning system, with a strong focus on infill development.

On his re-nomination, Morgan said: “The Committee bringing together recognised experts, leaders and stake-holders to provide insight and advocacy on important issues impacting the property industry.

“I look forward to working with my peers in improving infill housing affordability and supply and addressing other critical issues facing our industry.”

The property industry is Australia’s biggest industry and employer – representing 13% of Australia’s GDP and employing 1.4 million Australians.

With more than 2,200 member companies, and representing the full spectrum of the property industry, the Property Council of Australia is the leading advocate for the property industry.

The Property Council of Australia have national and state committees providing members a platform to shape the industry’s future by working on policy and advocacy, industry research, events and awards programs. 

KCL Law has proudly been a member of the Property Council of Australia since 2017.

For more information

For more information, or to arrange an interview, please contact Stuart Giles, Business Development & Marketing Manager, sgiles@kcllaw.com.au or (03) 8600 8822.