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Estate Group update: Get your Powers of Attorney signed before 1 September 2015

Aug 13, 2015

From 1 September 2015, new legislation regulating Enduring Powers of Attorney will come into effect.

There are a new set of forms and laws being adopted.

If you or your clients have unsigned Powers of Attorney, or draft Powers of Attorney which have yet to be finalised, these will no longer be effective if they are signed after 1 September 2015.

If you are in this situation, could you please urgently contact us to finalise and sign your documents.

If they are not signed by 1 September 2015 new documents will need to be prepared in a new format and at an additional cost to comply with the new legislative requirements.

All existing executed Powers of Attorney remain valid.

More information

If you need to arrange for your Powers of Attorney to be signed or finalised, please contact a member of our Estate Group on 03 8600 8885.

Note: This update is a guide only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.