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Estate Group update: Complete your estate plan today!

Mar 31, 2020

KCL Law and its Estate Group are here to support you during this difficult time.

Our firm is set up to work remotely and staff are readily available to engage with clients via phone, email or video conference.

Estate planning

For any clients who may be concerned regarding their current estate plan or do not have an estate plan, please encourage them to complete our online Estate Planning Fact Finder by clicking on the link below.


A member of our Estate Group will then contact the clients to discuss their estate planning needs, prepare their documents and email the documents to them for printing and signing.

Although some clients might be concerned about the proper execution of documents — we are encouraging clients to sign all documents, as there are rules which prevent us from using documents which are, strictly speaking, not properly executed/witnessed.

Guardianship and elderly welfare

If you have any concerns regarding the welfare of elderly persons or duties and obligations of attorneys, we are also able to provide further advice as well.

Grants of Probate and estate administration

We are still preparing Grants of Probate and available to assist in the administration of an estate, including any dispute work that may now arise.

More information

For more information, or to discuss any of the above, please contact one of our Estate Group members below.

We wish everyone good health and well-being during this time.

Sam Frey,
Principal Lawyer and 
Head of Estate Group
+61 3 8600 8885
E sfrey@kcllaw.com.au
Jennifer Maher
Principal Lawyer and
Accredited Wills and Estates Specialist
+61 3 8600 0710
E jmaher@kcllaw.com.au
Paul Beasant,
Special Counsel
+61 3 8600 8817
E pbeasant@kcllaw.com.au
Hayley Hunter,
Senior Associate
+61 3 8600 8806
E hhunter@kcllaw.com.au
Ainsleigh Lugger,
+61 3 8600 8826
E alugger@kcllaw.com.au


This Estate Group update was authored by Jennifer Maher, Principal Lawyer and Accredited Wills and Estates Specialist.

Note: This update is a guide only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.